What You Don't Know About Caitlyn Jenner's New Love Interest

Publish date: 2024-06-29

Cayne began her transition in 1996 at 24 years old. The New York Times reports that Cayne obtained black market hormone pills from a transgender club doorwoman and got surgery in a basement in Guadalajara, Mexico. Cayne told the paper, "When I told my parents that I was starting my transition, my dad said, 'Well that makes so much more sense, you being a woman rather than a gay man, 'cause I never saw you any other way and now it totally works.' 'It was unbelievable. The second I told them they flew to New York and wanted to make sure I was OK. And they found out I was happier." Cayne says her twin, Dylan, was also comfortable with the change. "He was fine with it. And they realized that I was the same person I was 20 years ago, I had just grown up, grown wiser, and grown a pair of breasts."
