What You Don't Know About Caitlyn Jenner's New Love Interest
Cayne began her transition in 1996 at 24 years old. The New York Times reports that Cayne obtained black market hormone pills from a transgender club doorwoman and got surgery in a basement in Guadalajara, Mexico. Cayne told the paper, "When I told my parents that I was starting my transition, my dad said, 'Well that makes so much more sense, you being a woman rather than a gay man, 'cause I never saw you any other way and now it totally works.' 'It was unbelievable. The second I told them they flew to New York and wanted to make sure I was OK. And they found out I was happier." Cayne says her twin, Dylan, was also comfortable with the change. "He was fine with it. And they realized that I was the same person I was 20 years ago, I had just grown up, grown wiser, and grown a pair of breasts."