Where to find the Cerulean Amber Medallion +2 in Elden Ring
The Cerulean Amber Medallion is a great talisman to grab if you want to increase your FP. Any magic-user or fan of weapon arts will want the extra FP to use for attacks. Of course, why settle for the normal one when you can get an enhanced version? Here is where you can find the Cerulean Amber Medallion +2 in Elden Ring.
To obtain the talisman, you will need to make your way to the top of the cliffs in southwest Liurnia. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as climbing. You will have to follow Ranni’s questline. Check out our guide on Ranni’s quest if you need help completing it. Make your way to the boss room of Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. If you received the Dark Moon Ring from Ranni’s quest, you will be able to go through the barrier and up the lift.
Once you are on top of the cliffs in the plateau, travel east to the Lunar Estate Ruins. Be careful of the enemies in the ruins, there are plenty. When you reach the ruins, look for the imp statue. Next to the statue is an illusory floor that, when struck, will reveal a staircase. Place a Stonesword Key in the imp statue to allow yourself entry to the area below. Go down and open the chest to obtain the talisman.
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Aden Carter
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